Offering Type
Ending 1031s hurts land conservation, farmers March 25, 2021

Ending 1031s hurts land conservation, farmers

As the proverb suggests, land conservation and farming are inextricably connected, because those who make their living from the land are also stewards of the land charged with...
JLL Income Property Trust Fully Subscribes Diversified DST Offering February 22, 2021

JLL Income Property Trust Fully Subscribes Diversified DST Offering

JLL Income Property Trust Fully Subscribes Diversified DST Offering February 18, 2021 Chicago (February 18, 2021) – JLL Income Property Trust, an institutionally managed daily NAV REIT (NASDAQ: ZIPTAX; ZIPTMX; ZIPIAX; ZIPIMX) with $3.4 billion in portfolio assets, announced today the full subscription of JLLX Diversified Portfolio I, a 1031 tax-deferred exchange offering designed to…
The 401(k) of real estate: the 1031 like-kind exchange January 29, 2021

The 401(k) of real estate: the 1031 like-kind exchange

As with tax deferred retirement accounts, like-kind exchanges allow real estate owners to reinvest their profits from the sale of income producing properties into other similar income producing properties and defer – not dodge – the taxes.

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