They Came, They Saw, They Taxed April 12, 2021

They Came, They Saw, They Taxed

With its new package of whopping tax increases, New York State’s Democratic-controlled legislature has crossed over a metaphorical fiscal Rubicon. Over the last century, Albany has...
The 401(k) of real estate: the 1031 like-kind exchange January 29, 2021

The 401(k) of real estate: the 1031 like-kind exchange

As with tax deferred retirement accounts, like-kind exchanges allow real estate owners to reinvest their profits from the sale of income producing properties into other similar income producing properties and defer – not dodge – the taxes.
How the New Tax Law Impacts Commercial Real Estate Investment January 17, 2018

How the New Tax Law Impacts Commercial Real Estate Investment

How the New Tax Law Impacts Commercial Real Estate Investment January 16, 2018 | James Sprow | Blue Vault We can parse the impacts of the new tax law that President Trump signed recently into first effects and secondary effects. Put simply, some provisions are likely to directly affect the cash flows to investors from…
Why Tax Reform Is Not The Top Issue For Retail Investors In Alternative Assets January 10, 2018

Why Tax Reform Is Not The Top Issue For Retail Investors In Alternative Assets

As the debate on tax reform drags on in Washington -- and will surely continue, even if a final reform bill passes -- retail investors are trying to read the policy changes to determine whether, and how, any tax code changes could impact their portfolios in general. And this certainly includes alternative investments.

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