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Interval Fund and Nontraded CEF Research

Track developments in one of the fastest growing alternative investment industries…

Blue Vault’s Interval Fund and Nontraded CEF Review covers both interval funds and nontraded closed-end funds (CEFs). Strategies of these funds can range from real estate to hedge funds, so research on investment strategy is very important for this diverse set of alternative investments. The research covers key performance metrics, investment strategies, and the associated investment managers.

The report covers over 20 metrics and data points on individual funds including, but not limited to:

Total assets under management (AUM)
Net capital raised
Explanation of investment strategy and management team
Historical price and trends
Distribution yields
Comparisons of earnings and distributions payout
Fund operating expenses
Leverage ratios
Total return performance
Portfolio yields and return on equity (ROE)
Top portfolio holdings
Asset class holdings breakdown

Additionally, the report summarizes top-level industry information on a number of existing and registered funds, total AUM, etc.

See a full-size sample page by clicking here.

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Contact Stacy Chitty at Stacy.Chitty@BlueVaultPartners.com or 678-802-8717 for information on advertising, reprint licensing or custom research.

In addition to Blue Vault’s Interval Fund and Nontraded CEF Review, Blue Vault provides educational content and industry news and updates via:

  • The Vault…Blue Vault’s online library of historical data, providing subscribers with over 1,500 individual research pages and over 30 quarterly Reviews, dating back to the 4th quarter of 2009.
  • Blue Vault’s Emails… deliver the most relevant alternative investment industry news, including nontraded REITs, BDCs, and Closed-End Funds, Interval Funds and Private Offerings, right to your inbox.

Blue Vault does not offer investment advice and does not make buy or sell recommendations for any of the Interval Funds and nontraded Closed-End Funds monitored.