James Sprow | Blue Vault |
Ten Interval Fund and Closed End Fund companies reported their monthly sales to Blue Vault during 2021. We look at the monthly share pricing for these funds and estimate their total returns using the changes from January 4, 2021, to January 3, 2021, and the dividend yields calculated using the most recent dividends annualized and the 1/3/22 pricing to arrive at a total return estimate. These estimates range from over 22.8% to 8.17% across the ten funds. Note that one fund, The Private Shares Fund (PRIVX), did not pay monthly or quarterly dividends, but made a one-time capital gain distribution on December 8, 2021.
These returns estimates are based upon the particular share classes noted in the table above. Pricing per share will vary across the multiple share classes that these funds offer and the historical pricing is available in Yahoo!Finance.com. For most of these funds the quarterly or monthly dividend rates did not change significantly over the course of 2021, but future dividend rates are not predictable.
Sources: Blue Vault, Yahoo!Finance.com