Your Business is Begging You to Let Go
July 25, 2019 | Stephen Boswell, Kevin Nichols |
You might read the title and assume we’re suggesting that you be less involved in your business. Hardly the case. We want you to be more involved, but with the highest-impact activities possible. Too many advisors are stuck in day-to-day routines that are counterproductive. Our message is about letting go to gain control. Here are three ways to make that happen. …
Let Go of Always Being Right
Some people fall into the trap of feeling like the right answer has to be their answer. For example, the senior advisor insists on doing client reviews a certain way, even as the team presents new and better ways of engagement. Be in search of the best option available, regardless of source.
Not only does this result in better business practices, but better team dynamics as well. The need to be “right” has the tendency to push your team away. They learn that their ideas aren’t valued and start to provide fewer of them. You’ve built a group of smart and talented people around you for a reason. Don’t let your own ego hijack your ability to lead.